A recent update to Hogwarts Legacy corrects the annoyingly glitchy Mooncalf quest. Despite receiving high praise from critics and selling millions of copies, Hogwarts Legacy might still use some work. By addressing fans' complaints and wider issues, game developer Avalanche Software intends to keep players exploring the open-world Harry Potter action RPG. In the game, players can prepare a enough amount of Hogwarts Legacy Boosting Service.
One of the most frustrating issues for completionists playing Hogwarts Legacy involves a Mooncalf named Biscuit. There is a side quest in Hogwarts Legacy called Take the Biscuit, where the player is tasked with rescuing a pet Mooncalf named Biscuit from poachers. However, it is possible for the player to stumble across the cookie and rescue it from its cage before receiving the quest. Before downloading the latest Hogwarts Legacy update, this meant that players simply couldn't complete side quests and couldn't get 100% into the game.
Luckily, the latest Hogwarts Legacy update fixed the problematic Biscuit quest, so players should now be able to complete it and keep working towards 100% completion of the game. The update also fixes a number of other bugs reported by Hogwarts Legacy players, improves stability, and fixes some issues with accessing DLC items. People should have a smoother experience in Hogwarts Legacy after downloading the new update, to say the least.
This new update will no doubt be appreciated by fans of the Hogwarts legacy who are still exploring the open-world Harry Potter games, but others may be more interested in the content update. Avalanche Software hasn't announced any plans for a substantial update to Hogwarts Legacy content, but given the dizzying success of the game, it would be surprising if some sort of Hogwarts Legacy DLC expansion isn't announced at some point.
The gaming community will be quite excited about the Hogwarts Legacy DLC, so let's hope it materializes. Nonetheless, even if Hogwarts Legacy never receives DLC, it is reasonable to assume a sequel is in the works. Because of how wonderfully Hogwarts Legacy has been received thus far, a sequel is now all but certain. You can get additional gaming guides at mmorpgm.com.